District Installations and Reaffirmation Sunday

The new DDGHP and two new DEOs were installed yesterday at Trinity Chapter. The installations were followed by a Reaffirmation service.

Installation of the DDGHP

REC R. Kent Crager was installed by MEC Steven A. Duncan with the assistance of REC Andrew (Skip) Venderhorst, REC David Trainer, REC Gregory Clatterbuck, and REC Steven L. Adams.

Installation of the DEOs

Following his installation, REC Crager proceeded to install the two new DEOs — EC Kenneth Turner and EC Steve Scarpelli.

Congratulations to these new officers! The 3rd Capitular District is fortunate to have such fine Companions.

Reaffirmation Sunday

The installation ceremonies were followed by a Reaffirmation Sunday service. REC Gregory Clatterbuck spoke on the power of prayer. Music was lead by EC Daniel Frye.


Joint Reception is Still On


Official Visitation - Lebanon Chapter #5